5 Newsletters for Data Science News and Views

5 Newsletters for Data Science News and Views

I've read and heard a lot about how you become a data scientist. Lots of what I've read and heard concerns the skills and competences a data scientist should have. Less often mentioned is the adage to get to understand the sector, the work and the ongoing research. I'm listing a few newsletters I've found helpful, in the hope that others will too.

KDNuggets News

KDNuggets is an award-winning site containing tutorials, industry news. software, opinion courses and education and schedules of industry meetings and conferences. I find it especially helpful for the learning resources posted there.

Analytics Dispatch

I love this newsletter curated by the team at mode.  Another weekly one and usually containing surprising content and tutorials.  June 25 2018 contains a whimsical but technically rock-solid analysis of what Pareto can teach us about Mario Kart character and kart combinations.

Data Science Weekly

Really good collection of data science resources here (well-maintained and kept up-to-date) and usually fascinating data science interviews.  A must follow.

FiveThirtyEight Politics

FiveThirtyEight is obviously well known but I couldn't resist including it.  There are four newsletters and some may want to sign up to significant digits which represents a roundup of numbers in the news that week, which can often act as a spur to investigate further.  Being a politics and policy geek, I favour the politics newsletter, and it's often a reminder to check in for the Riddler each week. What I love about FiveThirtyEight is the ethos of sharing the data behind their articles, encouraging others to play with them and check the author's working.  It's core to the reproducibility and transparency we should be seeking to promote in data science.

Data Machina

Run by the founder of Data Science London, a self-described 'weekly digest of data science curiosities, machine intelligence, data geekery and other amenities'.  A fair bit more technical and by data scientists for data scientists so a little more for the practitioner.

BONUS: Sidewalk Labs

Alphabet's company leveraging data to create more sustainable, affordable and liveable cities.  Fascinating work for those of us that have one foot in the urbanist camp and one foot in the data science world and to be honest, enough of importance to those that only have one or neither! Sign up is at the very bottom of the front page.

Why Graphical Data Analysis is Important

Why Graphical Data Analysis is Important